I am so grateful for the 8 blessings the Lord has gifted us with!
Titus~just over a year old. He is truly a delight! I love listening to all his "jibber". He says quite a few things with his hands, but has gotten quite verbal these days as well!
Ruby, or Bitsy to us~ just turned 3! Where does the time go? Even though we have had 4 girls before her, I think Bitsy is the only one that has truly taken to baby dolls. It's so precious to see her playing with "her family".
AnnaRuth~ Such a helper! She is always so willing to help where needed. She will make a wonderful mama one day...as she practices bunches on all littles that she comes in contact with. ;)
Kyla~the daintiest of all the girls, but don't let that fool ya!! Dynamite comes in small packages, ya know. She is probably the "tom boy" of the girls.
Shauna~ such a warm and caring heart, she has! Shauna is the "peace maker" of the children.
Zebidiah, Zeb for short~ Any one need a clown for hire? Zeb's your clown! Will be goofy for a laugh!
Evan~ Such a strong and intent young man. Evan is growing into such an exceptional Christian young man! Hard to believe my first born son is now 3 inches taller than me!
Ashley~ ah...my right hand! The Lord knew exactly what I needed when he blessed me with her! It's a shame not every mom has an Ashley!