Thursday, July 17, 2008

okra and tomatoes

We planted a pretty good garden this year, but all that seems to be producing are okra and grape tomatoes. Oh, and some Roma tomatoes are green on the vine right now. If I can keep the tomato worms away from them, then we will have some of those too!

Ashley went and picked this afternoon. She felt compelled to weigh them. There were 2lbs, 10oz of grape tomatoes

and 3lbs, 9oz of okra.

thinking on food

Ok...I LOVE good food, but that isn't exactly what I was thinking on.

Here is what I had in mind.

Most anyone who knows me well knows I am good at finding the cheapest cost for beans or trash bags, but I am HORRIBLE at creating a menu and making it work for me (Dana also knows me well enough to realize that the picture above is just my rough will be redone when everything is on there that I need). If I make a menu, it is usually twice the cost as if I just get a list of basic things I always use. So...this has me pondering a few things. We have been buying for the month, and my system seems to get us through, even if it isn't a "true" system. So, I have come to terms with not being one of those women who can write out a menu and shop from it. Instead, I see myself as a women who buys the basics and then can possibly plan a menu from what she has? Is there anyone out there like me? Am I hopelessly alone on this?

Because of my earlier blog about not having supper planned out, I REALLY MUST get this together. My day is quite full, but there SHOULD be a meal on the table at a certain time.

These are just some thoughts from my day :D Carry on!

Our adventures yesterday

Would you believe that I was so busy yesterday working on an upholstery project for a customer? I was so busy that I neglected to set something out for supper. [rolling eyes] Ok, Dana, I know...I know...I tend to do this frequently.

SO...this is what Danny decided for us to do:

I also decided I was going to try to be good at this blogging thing and brought my camera along in Walmart.
and the race was on...

first we had to go to the school supplies. This is Ashley's weak spot. Who can resist 5cent notebooks? OH! Nevermind the 4 arms...that is our Zeb being true to self. :D

Well, this is the first of 2 reasons we needed to treck to Walmart. Our mower is out of juice. Danny says, it needs a battery.

Here is the other important reason for our trip. The kids fix breakfast in the morning, so I allow them to go simple probably more than what I should.

the little girls had to help too.

"Mama, can we have just one?" I was a mean mama...after all, we were already getting wafles, right?

How else to end a day?
You can't beat this one...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Creature Tales

[Some pics have been "re-enacted" due to not being quick on my toes with the camera while in a crisis. :D]

Isn't this a lovely snake?

Here's the young man who spotted it first. (my wonderful oldest son, Evan)Evan's younger brother is the one who actually caught it...

We were cutting the grass at our church when Evan saw it. We have taught our children about snakes. They know the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous types. He saw it and knew it was not poisonous, so he lunged for it. He brought it home and measured it...3 1/2 feet LONG!! I don't think I have EVER seen a corn snake that long!

So...the meat of my story.

This is what it's temporary home was (we are going to get a 10gal tank for it). Of course, it did have a top on as well:

Here it sits, next to the stove (I wanted to make sure I could keep a close eye on that fellow)

Let's examine a little closer...

AACCCKKK!!!! Where did he go? OH MY! A 3 1/2 foot loose snake in the house? OK...deep breath! Maybe this is a good thing? Maybe he will eat any rodents we may have around? Do snakes eat roaches? That would be a plus! I can deal with this...breathe, breathe, breathe...Ok. I am better.

We left out yesterday evening for some fun and fellowship with our church family at a local park. This is a tradition we do nearly every Tuesday. We grill hotdogs and hamburgers while the children play soccer with a few of the menfolk and older youth. There is a few who indulge in the game of basketball as well (remind me to bring my camera next week so I can take pics).

This is what we came back to last night...

What a relief! I was the one who found the dark. Ashame I can't play back my distraught scream for you. Oh well

Here is Goldy is in his/her new "temporary" home. We WILL be getting a tank for it...I promise, with some additional roommates to dine on every now and then.

Rest assured...there is a top for this container that he can't get open!
What an eventful day!!

Thought this was a fun test

I saw this on one of my many boards. It cracked me up with some of the questions.


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Once Again

Here I am again, attempting to try the blogging thing. I really need ya'll to help me stay on top of this. I LOVE the idea of sharing my daily life with you, I just forget to . (blushing)

I am resolved that everynight I will come here and share....hold me to it!!