Thursday, July 17, 2008

thinking on food

Ok...I LOVE good food, but that isn't exactly what I was thinking on.

Here is what I had in mind.

Most anyone who knows me well knows I am good at finding the cheapest cost for beans or trash bags, but I am HORRIBLE at creating a menu and making it work for me (Dana also knows me well enough to realize that the picture above is just my rough will be redone when everything is on there that I need). If I make a menu, it is usually twice the cost as if I just get a list of basic things I always use. So...this has me pondering a few things. We have been buying for the month, and my system seems to get us through, even if it isn't a "true" system. So, I have come to terms with not being one of those women who can write out a menu and shop from it. Instead, I see myself as a women who buys the basics and then can possibly plan a menu from what she has? Is there anyone out there like me? Am I hopelessly alone on this?

Because of my earlier blog about not having supper planned out, I REALLY MUST get this together. My day is quite full, but there SHOULD be a meal on the table at a certain time.

These are just some thoughts from my day :D Carry on!


Dana Lewis said...

That's how my mother shopped. Buy a bunch of stuff. At suppertime stand in front of the cupboards and figure out what to cook. It worked for her...

Doesn't work for me though. I like to have a general plan :-)

Hey, as long as you have supper before 9pm I won't say a word about 'your plan'... LOL

Cloth Canoe Mama said...

Brandy I have the exact same plan as you, and it works for me! I buy the basics and the meat for what I think will sustain us for 2 weeks, and go shopping. We never run out of anything (well except for fruits and veggies and we have a seperate enveloppe for this) and once in a while I will shop for canning, noodles and dry goods only.

I say if you have supper on the table at a reasonable time and don't run out of much, then go for it! I always take out my meat in the morning and plan around it a few min before cooking the meat, works like a charm :) .
